Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The lesson

3.) The relation ship between Sylvia and Sugar is that they are cousins. They live down the street together. They are B.F.F. The contrast between sugar and Sylvia and Sugar is Sylvia seems to be meaner than Sugar and not as smart. Sugar seems to be a little more caring and figured out why miss more took them to the toy store.

4.) She gave her a sorrowful look because Sylvia kept stepping on Sugars feet to make her stop answering Mrs. Moore's question. Life is not equal and that maybe they needed to go to school to learn so they can have a better job and make money. The effect of Sugar's definition of "an equal crack at the dough" on Miss Moore was that it made her happy because she under stood the lesson that she was trying to teach. The effect on Sylvia was that she was mad at Sugar because she new the answer she also decided to turn and walk away still having the money that Mrs. Moore had given her for the taxi.

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