Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Destructors

1.) Who is the protagonist in the story--Trevor, Blackie, or the gang? Who or what is the antagonist? Identify the conflicts of the story.
The protagonist of this story would be Blackie because he was the leader of the gang. He also told everybody what to bring and what to do at the house. The antagonist of this story would be Trevor. He didn't want to do anything to the house because he thought it was a beautiful house. The conflicts of this story would be they wanted the house to fall down but they did not want to steel anything from it. Another is they found money in a mattress and did not want to steel it so they burned it. They didn't want to hurt Mr. Thomas so they locked him in the loo.

5.) Of what significance, if any, is the setting of this story in blitzed London? Does the story have anything to say about the consequences of war? About the causes of war?
The significance of the setting would be that it is telling you about parts of London and how it has been hit by bombs in the war. Also how the people are living in the underground stations do to the bombings. Yes the story does say about the consequences of the war because the gang hangs out at a broken car-port and how the bombs has smashed houses close by.

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