Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Interpreter of Maladies

2.) How does the plot help to illuminate the differing cultural view points of Mr. Kapasi and of Mr. and Mrs. Das? Which cultural view point is presented with greater sympathy?
The difference of the cultural view points in the plot were that Mr. and Mrs. Days are typical Americans. They are dressed in brightly colored clothes and visors. The story makes you think that they come from a lot of money in the family. Mr. Kapasi seems like an older gentleman who is trying to earn a living working two jobs. He wore plane clothes made of synthetic material that he use to give tours. The view point that has greater sympathy would be Mr. Kapasi because he had to work two jobs to make enough money to feed his family. Mr. Kapasi's home life was not that great because his wife never spoke to him.

8.) What does the ending suggest about Mr. Kapasi's future? Has his encounter with the Das family created any permanent change in his out look on life or his view of himself? Is the ending happy or unhappy?
The ending suggest that Mr. Kapasi's future would include not getting any letters from Mrs.Days because the address on the paper slipped away. The story also makes me feel that he will go home to his family. After meeting the Das family, his outlook on life and view of himself has changed because of the information about Bobby not being Mr. Das son made him feel bad. He felt that Mrs. Das should tell him the truth about Bobby. I feel that he now seems better with his family life. It seems like a happy ending because the Das family is now back together again and Mrs. Das seems to be happy. And to me I feel Mr. Kapasi was glad that his address floated away.

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