Tuesday, September 16, 2008

hunters in the snow

Jessica George
Hunters in the snow

3. Which is the most sympathetic of the three characters? The story deals, in part, with the power struggle among the characters. Which character is the most powerful? Do the balance of power and alliances between the characters shift as the story proceeds?
Tub would be the most sympathetic character because he took all the criticism from Kenny and Frank but he is still their friend. He also feels bad about shooting Kenny. The most powerful character would probably be Kenny before he got shot. He was the most powerful because he bossed Frank and Tub around and told them what to do and how to do it. He seemed not very nice to them most of the time. Yes the alliances changed because before Kenny got shot he was the most powerful then after he got shot Tub and Frank were just as powerful.

7. What is the purpose of the scene in which Frank and Tub stop at the tavern for food and coffee, leaving the wounded Kenny in the back of the truck? During their conversation, Frank analyzes his own character and expresses remorse. Are his insights and remorse genuine? Why or why not?
The purpose of the scene in which Frank and Tub stopped at the tavern for food and coffee was that they were cold. The truck had a broken window and it was snowing out. They couldn’t feel their fingers. Franks insights and remorse are genuine as he is sad, because he has to tell his wife that he loves somebody else and he is worried about the children. He states that she has been good to him for a lot of years. In the story it makes it sound like he is starting to cry.

8. The final plot twist comes in the last two sentences of the story. Here the narrator speaks directly to the reader, giving us information the characters don’t know. How is this an appropriate conclusion to the story? What final statement is being made about the characters?
It is an appropriate conclusion to the story because Frank and Tub seem to be doing the same thing Kenny would do. The narrator gave information that made you think that they weren’t going to take Kenny to the hospital. The narrator talks about the stars being in the direction of the hospital but they are going in the wrong direction. The final statement about the characters would be that they would all have done the same thing so they would not get caught by telling the doctors they shot their friend. I believe that Kenny will probably die due to the friends not going in the right direction.

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