Friday, September 19, 2008

Everyday use

4.) The mothers refusal to let Dee have the quilts indicates a permanent change of character because she wanted Maggie to have them. She never did anything like it before because Maggie always let Dee have what she wanted. She told Ma that Dee could have the quilts but Ma decided that God wanted Maggie to have them. She dose this now because Grandma Dee and big Dee had taught Maggie how to quilt and that they would want Maggie to have these family items and also she knew this is what God wanted. The details in the story that prepare for and foreshadow the refusal are that Dee seemed to want a lot of the items that had been in the family for a while. Asking her mother if she could have this and if she could have that. When she got the quilts out of the trunk she seemed to think that they were already hers. She seemed to think that Maggie wouldn't take care of them. After the refusal of the quilts she seemed upset at her mother and Maggie and left, leaving Maggie smiling and not scared of Dee anymore.

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