Wednesday, October 22, 2008

good country people

This story deals with the theme of the human inability to see clearly and thus name clearly because Mrs. Hopewell thought that her daughter Joy was still a child when she was thirty and treated her more like a child. She also took care of Mrs. Freeman and her daughters even though they worked for her. When the boy came to sell the bibles she could not see that he was not telling the truth about selling bibles. She also thought that he was a good country boy. Joy also did not see that this boy was not telling the truth and believed that she liked him. When they were at the barn Joy thought that he was interested in her leg but did not see until he opened the bible and pulled out the flask that he was not a good person. Even at the end of the story when the boy takes her leg and leaves, the story makes you think that Mrs. Hopewell and Mrs. Freeman not knowing what he did thinks that he is still a good country boy.

I did not really understand the name clearly part of the question.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

the lottey

1.) A lottery you think it would be the luck of the draw for like money or a prize but in this story it is something different. It is when the whole town gets together and they pick paper out of a box and one of the pieces of paper has a black dot. Whoever gets the dot has to sit in the center and everybody throws stones at her. The title leads you to think that somebody wins a lottery and that usually means you win money or something special.

8.)Yes you can support a claim that this story is presented from the objective point of view because everybody in the story really does not want to be at the lottery. It also mentions that some places had already quite lotteries and some people thought that it was nothing but trouble. Old Man Warner stated that people are not the way they use to be. The matter of fact tone of the story is effective because it makes the story right to the point. It also makes you think that this has been happening for many years and that everybody in the town has grown up this way.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Paul's Case

2.) Paul's appearance and behavior to the teachers shows that he is different from most other boys because of the way he dresses and acts in school. When he went to the principals office for a meeting on his suspension he wore odd clothing such as an opal pin and a red carnation and he walked in smiling. His behavior in classes was not like the other kids he usually didn't do the work or he stared out the window, he acted offensively.

5.) Paul is a developing character because he always lying to people and changing his feelings about things. He always wants to be someone else. He changes after he had been in New York for a while. When he realized he was running out of money and needed to leave New York. He did not want to got back to his life before.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

2.) This story indicates that the past life of the man and girl has not been happy because they are on there way to get an operation for the girl. They seem to talk about the operation being simple and that other people have had the same operation. It seems like the quality of their relationship indicates that the girl and the guy are unhappy in there because it says in paragraph 50 "that's the only thing that bothers us. It is the only thing that made us unhappy." They don't seem to show much emotion in talking to each other. They also state that things between them will get better after the operation. The mans judgment about the future might not be accurate, it all depends on the outcome of the operation.

7.) The setting served as a location of where they were and what it looked like in the area. They had to wait fourty minutes for the train to come.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


The narrator can not describe the cathedral to the blind man because he has never seen one in person he has just seen them on television. He has never had to describe anything to someone who is blind or can't see. He might of had the feeling that he didn't understand some of the words he used to explain a cathedral.
It tells the reader that he is not religious and never been to church. He wasn't really sure himself what the cathedral looked like except for what he saw on television. He did his best to try to describe it. But after he tried to described it they drew it together on paper. This made him realize what it was like to be blind.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The lesson

3.) The relation ship between Sylvia and Sugar is that they are cousins. They live down the street together. They are B.F.F. The contrast between sugar and Sylvia and Sugar is Sylvia seems to be meaner than Sugar and not as smart. Sugar seems to be a little more caring and figured out why miss more took them to the toy store.

4.) She gave her a sorrowful look because Sylvia kept stepping on Sugars feet to make her stop answering Mrs. Moore's question. Life is not equal and that maybe they needed to go to school to learn so they can have a better job and make money. The effect of Sugar's definition of "an equal crack at the dough" on Miss Moore was that it made her happy because she under stood the lesson that she was trying to teach. The effect on Sylvia was that she was mad at Sugar because she new the answer she also decided to turn and walk away still having the money that Mrs. Moore had given her for the taxi.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

the swimmer

In the story John Cheever shows the characters post World War II as being wealthy. It shows them having parties with caters and bartenders. He also shows most of the people having swimming pools. In a few parts it shows houses where people have moved and their houses for sale. The ending of the story seemed to confuse me but it gave me a feeling of someone coming home from war and the families are not there. This made me sad.